IEEE Global Energy Conference 2024
Dec 4-6 2024 // Riverside, USA // Batman, Turkiye



Founded in 1870 by John North and a group of Easterners who wished to establish a colony dedicated to furthering education and culture, Riverside was built on land that was once a Spanish rancho. Investors from England and Canada transplanted traditions and activities adopted by prosperous citizens: the first golf course and polo field in Southern California were built in Riverside.

The first orange trees were planted in 1871, but the citrus industry in Riverside began two years later when Eliza Tibbets received two Brazilian navel orange trees sent to her by a friend at the Department of Agriculture in Washington. The trees thrived in the Southern California climate and the navel orange industry grew rapidly..

Within a few years, the successful cultivation of the newly discovered navel orange led to a California Gold Rush of a different kind: the establishment of the citrus industry, which is commemorated in the landscapes and exhibits of the California Citrus State Historic Park and the restored packing houses in the Downtown's Marketplace district. By 1882, there were more more than half a million citrus trees in California, almost half of which were in Riverside. The development of refrigerated railroad cars and innovative irrigation systems established Riverside as the wealthiest city per capita by 1895.


The ancient Mesopotamian civilizations - the Sumerian, the Akkadian, the Assyrian, the Babylonian, and the Chaldean (Neo-Babylonian) - built great cities and governments, developed agriculture, writing, mathematics and astronomy, and also used oil and bitumen for various purposes. There are many references in the Bible (the Old Testament) to the kings, cities and events of Mesopotamia.

Archaeologically categorised as a site of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A Period (c. 9600–7300 BC) Göbeklitepe is a series of mainly circular and oval-shaped structures set on the top of a hill. Excavations began in 1995 by Prof. Klaus Schmidt with the help of the German Archeological Institute. There is archelological proof that these installations were not used for domestic use, but predominantly for ritual or religous purposes. Subsequently it became apparent that Gobeklitepe consists of not only one, but many of such stone age temples. Furthermore, both excavations and geo magnetic results revealed that there are at least 20 installations, which in archeological terms can be called a temple. Based on what has been unearthed so far, the pattern principle seems to be that there are two huge monumental pillars in the center of each installation, surrounded by enclosures and walls, featuring more pillars in those set-ups.

Batman(The House Of Oil)

The story of Batman does not date back to ancient history. Batman was a small village namely İluh in 1930s, which started to develop rapidly when petroleum started to be extracted in Batman for the first time in Turkey, and it became a city in 1990. In other words, Batman was reborn with petroleum. It is possible to see iron horses (Oil Rigs) everywhere including mountains, lowlands and waysides in Raman where more than 450 oil wells are available.

Although Batman city center is a new settlement, it is known to include settlements nearby since prehistoric eras. İluh Village where Batman was firstly established, is actually a hill town. It is possible to find ten thousand years of history of the region in Kuriki Hill Town throughout İluh, Hallan Çemi and Garzan and in Sumaki Hill Town, Gre Amer and various hill towns and in Hasankeyf Hill Town.

Protecting the rich historical background in the soils where Tigris flows, and Hasankeyf which comes to mind, Batman is a natural beauty with its thousands of caves and historical monuments. İçkale, Tomb of Zeynel Bey, Sason Canyon, Mor Kiryakus Monastery and Batman Museum are unique historical and cultural values that are waiting to be discovered.

With delicious food and many of the historical assets primarily Hasankeyf which it hosts, hospitable residents and the modern city center alongside which a thousand years of history to find, Batman awaits more visitors.


Here we are in Batman… In the homeland of Mervanis, Artuqids Ayyubids and Akkoyunlus. In a fertile land thanks to the Tigris, known for its monasteries, canyons and castles, reserving historical, cultural and natural beauties...

Hasankeyf springs to mind when it comes to Batman. As an old city engraved onto stones, Hasankeyf historicises itself as if it engraved all the glamour of Mesopotamia onto its worn body.

Hasankeyf stands the seal of the past, affixed on the heart of Mesopotamia...

Should there be any place worthy for a title of “the place where time stops”,

that place should be definitely Hasankeyf...

İçkale, Tomb of Zeynel Bey, Sason Canyon, Mor Kiryakus Monastery, Batman Museum are among the points of interest in Sason, the northernmost reach of the Arabic language.

But you should definitely have a look at the magnificent beauty of Mesopotamia with a hot cup of tea in Hasankeyf. You will feel the ‘time actually stop.'


Göbeklitepe is a Neolithic archaeological site near the city of Şanlıurfa in Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey. The site comprises a number of large circular structures supported by massive stone pillars – the world's oldest known megaliths. Many of these pillars are richly decorated with abstract anthropomorphic details, clothing, and reliefs of wild animals, providing archaeologists a rare insights into prehistoric religion and the particular iconography of the period.

Göbekli Tepe is located in the foothills of the Taurus Mountains, overlooking the Harran plain and the headwaters of the Balikh River, a tributary of the Euphrates. The site is situated on a flat limestone plateau. In the north, the plateau is connected to the neighbouring mountains by a narrow promontory. In all other directions, the ridge descends steeply into slopes and steep cliffs. On top of the ridge there is considerable evidence of human impact.

Future plans include construction of a museum and converting the environments into an archaeological park, in the hope that this will help preserve the site in the state in which it was discovered. In 2010, Global Heritage Fund (GHF) announced it will undertake a multi-year conservation program to preserve Göbekli Tepe. Partners include the German Archaeological InstituteGerman Research FoundationŞanlıurfa Municipal Government, the Turkish Ministry of Tourism and Culture and, formerly, Klaus Schmidt.


Diyarbakır is the largest Kurdish majority city in Turkey. It is the second-largest city in Turkey's Southeastern Anatolia Region, after Gaziantep and before Şanlıurfa and the 11th built-up area in Turkey. The Metropolitan Province population was 1,756,353 inhabitants.

Prior to World War I, Diyarbakır had an active copper industry, with six mines. Three were active, with two being owned by locals and the third being owned by the Turkish government. Industries include woolen and cotton textiles and copper products. The city has long been famous for its gold and silver filigree work. Tigris University in Diyarbakır was founded in 1966 as a branch of Ankara University and acquired independent status in 1973.

Diyarbakır is linked by air and railroad with Ankara, and the region has a well-developed road network. The region is part of upper Mesopotamia, comprising a large depression crossed by the Tigris River. It is separated from eastern Anatolia by the Taurus Mountains in the north and from the Mesopotamian plain by the Mardin hills in the south; Karaca Mountain lies to the west. Agricultural products include cereals, cotton, tobacco, and fruits, notably watermelons; mineral deposits include copper and some coal and petroleum. A large proportion of the population is Kurdish.

There are many historical places in Diyarbakır to see such as museum, mosques, medreses, tombs. They are Great Mosque, City Walls, Hasan Pasha. St. Giragos Armenian Church, These historical places are very attraction to visit.



Mardin is a city in southeastern Turkey. The capital of Mardin Province, it is known for the Artuqid architecture of its old city, and for its strategic location on a rocky hill near the Tigris River that rises steeply over the flat plains. The old town of the city is under the protection of UNESCO, which forbids new constructions to preserve its facade.
Mardin is a 7000-year-old city that has hosted many different civilizations. It has also been a city of many religions and languages. A Turkish official labeled Mardin as the “capital of religions and languages”, a reflection of the numerous languages spoken in the province and of the co-habitation of people of different religious denomination. For this reason, the province is blessed with a great number of religious and cultural sites. Between 1160 and 1932 the city was the seat of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch. Today the Patriarch lives in Damasc.
Syria but the existence of many churches and monasteries in the province of Mardin speak about a great Christian past. Starting with the 12th century the area was ruled by Muslims, Artukid Turks initially, succeeded by the Mongols, Akkoyunlu Turks and finally in the 16th Century the territory was conquered by the Ottoman Turks. They have built numerous religious structures (mosques, medreses, tombs, etc) creating an original Turkish-Islamic civilization.
There are many historical places such as museum, mosques, medreses, tombs. They are Zinciriye madrasah, Kasımiye Madrasah, Mardin Museum, Great Mosques, Mardin Bazaar, Deyrü'z-Zafaran Monastery etc. These historical places are very attraction to visit.